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Liberalizing Liberia – a necessity

Liberia has long struggled with economic instability and high levels of poverty. Despite being rich in natural resources, including iron ore, diamonds, and timber, the country has failed to harness these resources to improve the lives of its citizens. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of a liberalized economy. Liberia needs to take steps to liberalize its economy as soon as possible, in order to lower the costs of living for its citizens.

First and foremost, let’s understand how a liberalized economy looks like. It’s basically an economy in which the government plays a minimal role in economic decision-making, and where market forces are allowed to operate freely. This means that prices are determined by supply and demand, rather than being set by the government. It also means that businesses are free to operate without excessive regulation and interference from the government.

Liberia currently has a highly regulated economy, with the government playing a large role in how companies operate in the country. This has led to a situation in which prices are often artificially high, as the government sets prices for many goods and services. This, in turn, makes it difficult for the average Liberian to afford basic necessities such as food and housing.

A liberalized economy would help to address this problem by allowing market forces to operate freely. Prices would be determined by supply and demand, which would lead to lower prices for many goods and services. This would make it in turn easier for the average Liberian to afford basic necessities.

Another benefit of a liberalized economy is that it would encourage foreign investments, as investors are more likely to dump money in liberalized economies. This would help to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in Liberia.

Of course, there are some risks associated with liberalizing the economy. One concern is that it could lead to increased inequality, as some people benefit more than others from a liberalized economy. However, this can be mitigated by implementing policies that ensure that the benefits of a liberalized economy are distributed fairly amongst all citizens.

In conclusion, Liberia needs to take steps to liberalize its economy in order to lower the cost of living for its citizens. If successful, this approach will not only allow market forces to operate freely, but it will also lead to lower prices for many goods and services. It would also encourage foreign investment, which would help to lower the unemployment rate.

It is time for Liberia to take bold action to improve the lives of its citizens for good. It is time to embrace economic liberalism, once and for all.

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Last modified: April 10, 2023